He said He would take care of you and instructed you not to be worried about anything. (Philippians 4:6)
But your senior pastors, bishops and general overseers tell you that you actually need to be desperate in order to get the things you want. Now, you run around from meeting to meeting, looking for God to do something for you. You have gone beyond worry into desperation. You are worse off and in flagrant disobedience. Where is your faith?
He said that you are not to be like the Gentiles who think that they will be heard for their many words. (Matt 6: 7-8)
But they tell you that you need to keep “saying it”, and repeating things all in the name of faith. So you wake up in the morning and “confess”. You repeat those confessions when driving, working, playing, and praying. You are in flagrant disobedience. Where is your faith?
He told you that you are more valuable than the birds of the air and flowers of the field who do not sow yet are taken care of by the Lord. (Matt 6: 26-30)
They tell you that unless you “sow” seeds of faith, first fruits and all sorts, that the lord will not provide for you. Hello! Where is your faith?
Living in contradiction of God’s instructions
Those men that you unquestioningly follow tell you things that contradict what God has instructed – and they label it faith, so you think you have faith in obeying them. The truth, however, is that you do not really have faith in God. You have faith in those men.
If God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
I put it to you that you do not trust God to do what He said He would do. That is why you fret, get desperate, and follow men who are either ignorant of the Bible they claim to preach or are smooth operators milking you and taking advantage of you.
Those men live in a way that makes God ashamed to be called their God, and he certainly has no city prepared for them (check Hebrews 11: 13-16). You don’t want to be in that company.
The so-called fathers of faith that they point to did not spend their days running after things, making “confessions of faith” (as they put it), and “sowing seeds” (as you are required to do), but rather spent their days pressing after eternity.
For example, Abraham acknowledged that he was a stranger in this life (something that your preachers now scoff at) and spent his life looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God. He wasn’t looking for earthly possessions but was after a heavenly country. (Hebrews 11:8-16)
I put it to you that you do not know what faith is. You do not know what it is to trust God. Come out from among them. Come and find rest in the hands of the Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
Culled from: pressingforthecrown.org